Anechoic Chambers are not only the single solution for EMC testing. There are some alternative solutions for radiated emissions and radiated immunity tests. Test cells are cost effective alternative to anechoic chambers.

How many types of Test Cells?
There are various types of test cells for EMC testing. In this page, we are focusing three types: TEM, GTEM and Laplacell.

1. TEM Cells

TEM (Transverse Electromagnetic Mode) Cells are simple and efficient, needs low power for required field strengths.

Can only be used in a screened room

•Limited to small sizes

•Limited upper frequency

•15 x 15 x 5 cell: 500MHz

•30 x 30 x 10 cell: 200MHz

2. GTEMs (Gigahertz TEM Cells)

    Avoids limitations of TEM cell by taking the co-axial input feed and gradually expanding the section. Absorber on end wall prevents reflections. Co-axial core feeds septum plate which is offset to increase EUT volume. Very efficient. Needs low power input for required field strength. No power is absorbed until wavefront passes EUT and reaches end face.

    3. LaplaCells

    LaplaCells reach a performance level to match the GTEM.
    Field uniformity achieved with unique dual septum design.
    Balanced septum configuration… offers maximum EUT volume for given chamber size.
    RF Efficiency is high as GTEM.

    Key Points of LaplaCells:

    • 30MHz to 6GHz frequency coverage
    • Fully calibrated for emissions and immunity
    • 2 sizes: Lc300: for EUT up to 30cm cube Lc600: for EUT up to 60cm cube
    • Field sensor for immunity testing is included Calibrated in accordance with IEC61000-4-20
    • Excellent field uniformity
    • Compact size
    • Ready for immediate use on delivery
    • Standard filtered I/O includes mains feed, fibre optic access and 12 individual connections.

    Below photo shows LC600 test cell which is manufactured by Laplace Instruments in United Kingdom.

    Datasheet of LC300 and LC600 EMC Test Cells

    Two models with different sizes. Smaller one: LC300. Larger one: LC600. Frequency goes up to 6GHz.

    Do you want to have test cell and perform EMC tests?

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