There are two parts of ISO 13766: ISO 13766-1 and ISO 13766-2. ISO 13766-1 lists general EMC requirements under typical electromagnetic conditions. ISO 13766-2 lists additional EMC requirements for functional safety. 

If your product’s specifications and features fall under the scope of these standards, you have to pass the tests given on the standards. Depending on your product’s features and functions, you may either need one of them or both. Let us review both standards shortly:

About ISO 13766-1

Title of ISO 13766-1 is Earth-moving and building construction machinery — Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of machines with internal electrical power supply — Part 1: General EMC requirements under typical electromagnetic environmental conditions

ISO 13766-1 is an EMC standard for machinery. It provides test methods and acceptance criteria for the evaluation of the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of earth-moving machinery, as defined in ISO 6165:2012, and of the following building construction machinery as defined in ISO/TR 12603:2010:
— drilling and foundation equipment;
— equipment used for the preparation, conveyance and compaction of concrete, mortar and processing reinforcement;
— road construction and maintenance machinery and equipment.
It deals with general EMC requirements under typical electromagnetic environmental conditions. (ISO 13766-2:2018 deals with EMC requirements specifically related to functional safety).
Electrical/electronic subassemblies (ESA) and separate ESA intended to be fitted to the machinery are also dealt with. The following electromagnetic disturbance phenomena are evaluated:
— broadband and narrowband electromagnetic interference;
— electromagnetic field immunity;
— electrostatic discharge;
— conducted transients.
The machinery can have DC or AC or a combination of both as the internal electrical power supply system.
ISO 13766-1 is not applicable to machines that are designed to be supplied by an external mains network or to phenomena caused by military applications.

ISO 13766-1 is not a free document and it shall be purchased from ISO or any other national standard organization. However, you can review the preview version by visiting ISO’s webpage. Preview of ISO 13766-1:2018

About ISO 13766-2

Title of ISO 13766-2 is Earth-moving and building construction machinery — Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of machines with internal electrical power supply — Part 2: Additional EMC requirements for functional safety

ISO 13766-2 is also an EMC standard and it provides test methods and acceptance criteria for the evaluation of the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of earth-moving machinery, as defined in ISO 6165:2012, and of the following building construction machinery as classified in ISO/TR 12603:2010:
— drilling and foundation equipment;
— equipment used for the preparation, conveyance and compaction of concrete, mortar and processing reinforcement;
— road construction and maintenance machinery and equipment.
It deals with EMC requirements related to the functional safety of the machinery, its electrical/electronic subassemblies (ESA) and of separate ESA.
This document is relevant only to the safety-related parts of control systems (SRP/CS) as defined in ISO 13849-1:2015 using electrical/electronic components which meet design requirements equal to or greater than safety related performance level PL b as defined in ISO 13849-1:2015. It also deals with electrical and electronic components or separate ESA intended to be fitted on machinery under the restriction of PL b. The following electromagnetic disturbance phenomena are evaluated:
— radiated electromagnetic fields from off-board sources with various field strengths and frequencies;
— radiated electromagnetic fields from on-board sources (antenna inside/outside) with various field strengths and frequencies;
— electrostatic discharge;
— conducted and coupled electrical transients.
The machinery can have DC or AC or a combination of both as the internal electrical power supply system.
This document is not applicable to machines that are designed to be supplied by an external mains network or to phenomena caused by military applications.

ISO 13766-2 is not a free document and it shall be purchased from ISO or any other national standard organization. However, you can review the preview version by visiting ISO’s webpage. Preview of ISO 13766-2:2018

EUT Types: Machinery, ESA 

Both ISO 13766-1 and ISO 13766-2 seperates the equipment under tests as machinery and electronic sub assembly (ESA). Tests are also defined for each EUT category. Before having any service related to these standards, you should define your EUT category and follow related standard articles.
Since the machinery has a number of systems that consist of components that can be used on a variety of machine types, the approach of defining ESA or separate ESAs for these components is applied for the immunity and emissions test methods. This allows these components to be evaluated by the test method in existing laboratory facilities consisting of specially equipped shielded rooms. When electrical/electronic sub-assembly tests are conducted, it is necessary to consider any additional effects imparted by wiring systems used to connect the sub-assemblies into the machinery. The tests can also be conducted on the machinery.

Tests under ISO 13766-1 and ISO 13766-2

In general, EMC tests are grouped into two:

1) Emissions (the emissions coming from tested product is measured with receiver and checked whether it exceeds the limit or not)

2) Immunity (the tested product is subjected to a disturbing signal and its performance is monitored)

ISO 13766-1 and ISO 13766-2 requires below EMC tests: 

EUT type Test name Standard
Machinery Broadband Radiated Emissions ISO 13766-1:2018
Machinery Narrowband Radiated Emissions ISO 13766-1:2018
Machinery Radiated Immunity ISO 13766-1:2018, ISO 13766-2:2018
ESA Broadband Radiated Emissions ISO 13766-1:2018
ESA Narrowband Radiated Emissions ISO 13766-1:2018
ESA Radiated Immunity ISO 13766-1:2018
Machinery & ESA Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) ISO 13766-1:2018, ISO 13766-2:2018
Machinery & ESA Conducted Transients ISO 13766-1:2018, ISO 13766-2:2018
Machinery & ESA Coupled Electrical Transients ISO 13766-2:2018


Additional Standards that can be added to ISO 13766-1 and ISO 13766-2

If your product is also under the scope of other EMC tests, you should consider that additional standards. It might be subjected to additional tests according to below standards. These additional standards should be considered when applying ISO 13766-1 and ISO 13766-2 EMC tests. We listed some of them below:
EN ISO 14982 (EMC for Agricultural and forestry machinery)
UN ECE Regulation 10 (R10) (EMC for vehicles and electronic sub assemblies)
EN 12895 (EMC for Industrial Trucks)

What we offer?

We offer below services and products related to ISO 13766-1 and ISO 13766-2:

1. EMC Testing and Certification Services for machinery via our partner EMC laboratory (we will check machinery details and send you a quotation)

2. EMC Testing and Certification Services for ESAs via our partner EMC laboratory (we will check ESA features and send you a quotation)

3. EMC Training Services online or at one of our partner EMC laboratories (we will ask number of attendees from your side)

4. EMC Test Systems and Laboratory Installation (we will ask your product’s features and location of the laboratory)

Ask ISO 13766-1 or ISO 13766-2 Services or Test Systems

Send us your requirements in detail. Then we will offer you best solution for your ISO 13766-1 and/or ISO 13766-2 needs

We are engineers, experts and consultants specialised in electrical product testing and certification.

With our team, laboratory and partner laboratories, we are providing testing and certification services for electrical products. We are partnering with testing laboratories located in USA, Ireland, United Kingdom, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Turkey, China, Brazil and South Africa. We are providing our services worldwide.

We are also collaborating with EMC test equipment and chamber manufacturers to provide turnkey systems and solutions to the businesses. After understanding your current requirements, we are offering best device configurations to fulfil your needs. We are delivering, installing test equipments and anechoic chambers with our partner and expert teams. When required, we are also offering on-site and remote trainings for the devices and chambers we deliver.

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