Turn-key EMC Test Laboratories
(EMC test systems and laboratory installation for testing electronic products and systems. Complete solution of delivery of EMC test systems, accredited calibration services for EMC test systems, installation of EMC test chambers and rooms, on-site installation of anechoic chambers and RF shielded rooms, on-site chamber validation services, on-site training services after delivery of test systems and installation of test chambers)
Do you want to perform EMC tests and need an EMC laboratory?
With our Turn-key EMC Test Laboratories you will be able to perform EMC tests.
Let us supply these EMC test systems and build your EMC labortory at your organization.
Contact us and send your EMC test laboratory requirements. Features of the products you will test is essential to offer right EMC test systems and anechoic chambers.
Get Quote for Turn-key EMC Test Laboratories
We are offering turn-key EMC Test Laboratories including:
EMC test instruments with test software for each EMC test
EMC Anechoic Chamber and RF Shielded Room
EMC Laboratory Installation (delivery of test systems and installation of test rooms)
Accredited Calibration (optional)
Onsite Training before/after installation (optional)
We are offering two types of EMC test laboratories:
1) EMC Test Laboratories for pre-compliance testing (this one is for product development purposes and not for product certification)
2) EMC Test Laboratories for compliance testing (this one includes fully compliant test systems and chambers)
Do you need a turn-key complete solution to build your new EMC Test Laboratory? Fill the form below with your message and send it to us.