CISPR 25 Test Setups for Component Testing
(You will find test setup requirements of CISPR 25:2021 (Edition 5.0) on this page. Conducted Emissions and Radiated Emissions test equipment requirements for testing electronic components used in automotive)
Requirements for Conducted Emissions Test Setup (150 kHz – 245 MHz)
Requirements for Radiated Emissions Test Setup (150 kHz – 5925 MHz)
Conducted Emissions Test Setup Requirements
CISPR 25: 2021 requires conducted emissions tests electronic components used in automotive. For Conducted Emissions testing, two methods are defined: Voltage Method and Current Probe. Voltage method requires a LISN / AN / AMN, current probe method requires a RF current probe. We are listing test setup requirements of each method below.
Conducted Emissions Test Setup Requirements for Voltage Method (150 kHz – 108 MHz)
* Spectrum Analyser / Scanning Receiver / EMI Receiver (CISPR 16-1-1 compliant, Detectors: Peak, Quasi-Peak, Average, RBW: 9kHz,120kHz, 1MHz)
* AN (Artificial Network) (5 uH, 50 ohm)
* High Quality Double Shielded Coaxial RF cable (50 ohm)
* Test Table (height: 900+/-100mm),
* RGP (Reference Ground Plane) (min thickness: 0.5 mm, min dimensions: 1000×400 mm),
* Non-conductive Low Relative Permittivity Material (epsilon shall be equal or lower than 1.4, height: 50-/+5mm, shall be on RGP),
* Power Supply (DC Power Supply for DC DUTs, AC Power Supply for AC charging mode, power supply shall be filtered to avoid RF noise)
* Load Simulator (sensors and actuators, terminates the harness)
* Shielded Enclosure (to create an RF isolated environment, as an alternative ALSE can be used)
* Bulkhead RF Connector on Shielded Enclosure
Conducted Emissions Test Setup Requirements for Current Probe Method (150 kHz – 245 MHz)
* Spectrum Analyser / Scanning Receiver / EMI Receiver (CISPR 16-1-1 compliant, Detectors: Peak, Quasi-Peak, Average, RBW: 9kHz,120kHz, 1MHz)
* AN (Artificial Network) (5 uH, 50 ohm)
* Current Probe (CISPR 16-1-2 compliant: below 200MHz)
* High Quality Double Shielded Coaxial RF cable (50 ohm)
* Test Table (height: 900+/-100mm),
* RGP (Reference Ground Plane) (min thickness: 0.5 mm, min dimensions: 1000×400 mm),
* Non-conductive Low Relative Permittivity Material (epsilon shall be equal or lower than 1.4, height: 50-/+5mm, shall be on RGP),
* Power Supply (DC Power Supply for DC DUTs, AC Power Supply for AC charging mode, power supply shall be filtered to avoid RF noise)
* Load Simulator (sensors and actuators, terminates the harness)
* Shielded Enclosure (to create an RF isolated environment, as an alternative ALSE can be used)
* Bulkhead RF Connector on Shielded Enclosure
Radiated Emissions Test Setup Requirements
CISPR 25: 2021 requires radiated emissions tests for electronic components used in automotive. For Radiated Emissions testing, the frequency starts at 150 kHz and stops at 5925 MHz. In order to cover whole frequency range different types of antennas are required: monopole, biconical, log-periodic and horn antennas. We are listing radiated emissions test setup requirements below.
Radiated Emissions Test Setup Requirements (150 kHz – 5925 MHz)
* Spectrum Analyser / Scanning Receiver / EMI Receiver (CISPR 16-1-1 compliant, Detectors: Peak, Quasi-Peak, Average, RBW: 9kHz,120kHz, 1MHz)
* 1m Vertical Monopole Antenna (0.15 MHz to 30MHz, 1 meter, 50 ohm (where this is not 50 ohm, additional antenna matching unit shall be used), Antenna Factors: CISPR 16-1-6:2014, CISPR 16-1-6:2014/AMD:2017, Clause 5)
* Antenna Matching Unit for Monopole Antenna (matching monopole antenna to measuring instrument (50 ohm), maximum VSWR at output:. 2:1)
* Biconical Antenna (30MHz to 300MHz, min 3dB attenuator is optional, Antenna Factors: SAE ARP 958.1 Rev D Februrary 2003)
* Log-Periodic Antenna (200MHz to 1000MHz, Antenna Factors: SAE ARP 958.1 Rev D Februrary 2003)
* Horn or Log-Periodic Antenna (1000MHz to 5925MHz, Antenna Factors: SAE ARP 958.1 Rev D Februrary 2003)
* AN (Artificial Network) (5 uH, 50 ohm)
* High Quality Double Shielded Coaxial RF cable (50 ohm)
* Test Table (height: 900+/-100mm),
* RGP (Reference Ground Plane) (min thickness: 0.5 mm, min dimensions: 1000×400 mm),
* Non-conductive Low Relative Permittivity mMaterial (epsilon shall be equal or lower than 1.4, height: 50-/+5mm, shall be on RGP),
* Power Supply (DC Power Supply for DC DUTs, AC Power Supply for AC charging mode, power supply shall be filtered to avoid RF noise)
* Load Simulator (sensors and actuators, terminates the harness)
* Absorber Lined Shielded Enclosure / ALSE (It creates an RF isolated environment. Min EUT/Antenna to wall distance shall be 1 meter. Absorption material’s performace shall be greater than 6dB between 70-5925MHz. No absorber on the floor, absorbers on the floor is optional for component testing : use only ferrite tiles according to Annex I. ALSE complies with Annex I of the standard)
* Bulkhead RF Connector on ALSE
Testups offers CISPR 25 Test Systems
Turn-key CISPR 25 Test Systems for automotive designers, manufacturers, exporters, researchers, and test laboratories.
Conducted Emissions Test System (150 kHz to 245 MHz)
Radiated Emissions Test System (150 kHz to 5925 MHz)
ALSE and/or Shielded Enclosure (9kHz to 6 GHz)
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