Countries for UN ECE Regulation 10

UN ECE publishes the list of countries (contracting parties) for Regulation 10 (Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to electromagnetic compatibility). They are updating the country list depending on the regulation (R10) and version of the regulation (R10 Rev.6). They lastly updated the list on 2 March 2023 according to R10 revision 06. There are 58 countries and 1 union (EU) on the list.

Each country is represented with a unique ECE R10 symbol and has a designated type approval authority. For instance, Ireland’s ECE R10 symbol is E24 and its designated type approval authority is NSAI. Latvia’s ECE R10 symbol is E32 and its designated type approval authority is CSDD. Some countries has no designated type approval authority even they are contracting parties and have ECE symbol. 

ECE R10 symbols, together with unique type-specific numbers, are used on type approval certificates of the products. Type approval certificates are issued by designated type approval authorities which are mostly governmental organizations. Whole list showing ECE R10 countries (contracting parties) is given below:

ECE R10 Symbols Contracting Parties Designated Type Approval Authority(ies)
E1 Germany

Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA)

E2 France Ministère de la Transition Ecologique et Solidaire CNRV
E3 Italy Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti Dipartimento
E4 Netherlands RDW
E5 Sweden Transportstyrelsen (Swedish Transport Agency)
E6 Belgium Service Public fédéral (SPF) Mobilité et Transports
E7 Hungary Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium
E8 Czech Republic Ministry of Transport
E9 Spain Ministerio de Industria
E10 Serbia Road Traffic Safety Agency
E11 United Kingdom Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA)
E12 Austria Bundesministerium für Verkehr
E13 Luxembourg

Ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics

Société Nationale de Certification et d’Homologation (SNCH)

E14 Switzerland OFROU
E16 Norway Vegdirektoratet
E17 Finland Finnish Transport and Communications Agency
E18 Denmark Danish Road Traffic Authority
E19 Romania Ministerul Transporturilor si Infrastructurii
E20 Poland Transportowy Dozor Techniczny (TDT)
E21 Portugal Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes (IMT)
E22 Russian Federation Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (NAMI)
E23 Greece Ministry of Transport and Communications
E24 Ireland National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)
E25 Crotia State Office for Metrology Independent Service for Type Approval of Motor Vehicles
E26 Slovenia Slovenia Traffic Safety Agency – Vehicle Department
E27 Slovakia Ministry of Transport and Construction
E28 Belarus State Committee for Standardization (Gosstandart)
E29 Estonia Estonian Road Administration
E30 Republic of Moldova not announced yet
E31 Bosnia and Herzegovina not announced yet
E32 Latvia Road Traffic Safety Directorate (CSDD)
E34 Bulgaria Ministry of Transport, Executive Agency Road Transport Administration
E35 Kazakhstan Committee of Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Investment and Development (CTRM)
E36 Lithuania Lithuanian Transport Safety Administration
E37 Türkiye Ministry of Industry and Technology
E39 Azerbaijan not announced yet
E40 North Macedonia Ministry of Economy, Bureau of Metrology
E42 European Union not assigned
E43 Japan Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
E45 Australia not announced yet
E46 Ukraine Ministry of Infrastructure
E47 South Africa National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS)
E48 New Zealand not announced yet
E49 Cyprus Road Transport Department
E50 Malta Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority
E51 Republic of Korea not announced yet
E52 Malaysia Road Transport Department (JPJ)
E53 Thailand not announced yet
E54 Albania not announced yet
E55 Armenia National Body for Standards and Metrology (CJSC)
E56 Montenegro not announced yet (code: 56/A)
E57 San Marino Autorità per l’Omologazione
E58 Tunisia Agence Techique des Transports Terrestres
E60 Georgia not announced yet (code: 60/A)
E62 Egypt Ministry of Trade and Industry
E63 Nigeria not announced yet (code: 63/A)
E64 Pakistan not announced yet (code: 64/A)
E65 Uganda not announced yet (code: 65/A)

Above list shows the countries which are contracting parties for UN ECE Regulation 10. List is derived from official publication  which is named as ECE/TRANS/WP.29/343/Rev.31/Add.1 and published on 2 March 2023 by ECE. The latest country enters to above list is Uganda with E65. It has been listed since the latest update in 2023. 

Example of a ECE R10 Type Approval Certificate

You can see some part of first page of ECE R10 Type Approval certificate which is issued by NSAI (Ireland). Since E24 is the country symbol of Ireland, unique E mark starts with E24. If certification is successfully completed, it is shown as ”Approval granted”

Frequently Asked Questions about ECE R10 countries and country codes

1. Who is UNECE?

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) is an UN commission regulating automotive in UNECE member states. It is one of five regional commissions of the United Nations. UNECE’s main purpose is to promote pan-European economic integration. UNECE includes 56 member States in Europe, North America and Asia. However, all interested United Nations member States may participate in the work of UNECE. Over 70 international professional organizations and other non-governmental organizations take part in UNECE activities.

2. How UNECE regulate products used in automotive?

Contracting parties (member states of UNECE) accepts the agreements issued by UNECE. One of the agreements is related to automotive:


1958 Agreement.

Title of the agreement: Concerning the Adoption of Harmonized Technical United Nations Regulations for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these United Nations Regulations

3. Are there any other regulations published by UNECE, other than Regulation 10?

Yes. UNECE lists all automotive regulations under its Addenda to the 1958 Agreement’ page. UNECE Regulation 0-164 are listed on that page and Regulation 10 is only one of them. Each regulation focuses on specific requirements or features of the product used in automotive. Some products my fall under the scope of more than one regulation. 

4. Are ECE R10 symbols identical in each country?

Yes, within all UNECE member states, Regulation 10 certificates are identical. For instance if designated type approval authority of Ireland, NSAI, has issued your product’s type approval certificate, you will have ECE R10 symbol of E24 and this is valid within all UNECE member states. Thus, a single E mark would cover all the countries (markets) listed above. The ECE R10 symbols issued by any ECE R10 member country are identical by law. However, market or customers may ask specific ECE R10 symbol for the product.    

5. What Designated Type Approval Authorities do?

They issue type approval certificates. They mostly issue certificates by collaborating with their Designated Technical Service(s). Name of each type approval authority is listed above. 

6. What Designated Technical Services do?

They receive type approval application documents including EMC test report, check and review the documentation. When the documents submitted by the applicant (manufacturer, exporter or importer) are ready for certification they sent them to Designated Type Approval Authority. 

7. Are ECE R10 Type Approval Certificates recognized by countries which are not listed above?

Since UNECE does not cover whole world, the certificate is not automatically recognized unlisted countries. Each country or region is applying its own automotive EMC regulations. Thus, if your country does not exist on above list, you have to contact your local authority. Some unlisted countries might accept ECE R10 Type Approval certificates if they recognize regulations of UN ECE.  

8. What Testups does?

We collaborate with Designated Technical Services and authorized test laboratories. We are offering services for manufacturers, exporters or importers to certify their products (vehicles or electronic components, systems) according to recent version of UN ECE R10. We are both offering EMC testing and type approval (E marking) services according to UN ECE Regulation Revision 6.

9. Which country codes Testups offers?

We are offering E1(Germany), E20(Poland), E32(Latvia), E24(Ireland), E37 (Türkiye), E57 (San Marino) marking services. Any of these markings and issued type approval certificates are recognized in any ECE R10 country since they are all under the ‘ECE R10 contracting parties’

Are you interested in ECE R10 tests and certification?

UN ECE R10 is an EMC regulation for automotive. If you need further information about Regulation 10, visit our dedicated page to learn all details about ECE R10.