Do you need ECE R118 Certification services for your materials, components or vehicles used for automotive?
We are ready to certify your products.
UN ECE Regulation 118 is published by United Nations’ ECE commission and it is recognized in more than 50 countries.
ECE R118 certification comes with a unique E mark for your product (type and its variants).
Contact us, send your product’s technical features and get your quote.
About ECE R118
One of the automotive regulations is UN ECE Regulation 118. It is recognized by more than 50 countries. UN ECE R118 compliance of materials are ensured by testing, technical documentation, quality certification and production control. ECE R118 regulation explains these processes and it is free to download.
ECE R118 is published on 06 February 2023. Recent version is Revision 3. It is shortly mentioned as ECE R118 Rev.3.
Full title of the regulation is ‘Uniform technical prescriptions concerning the burning behaviour and/or the capability to repel fuel or lubricant of materials used in the construction of certain categories of motor vehicles ‘
ECE R118 regulation applies to:
the burning behaviour (ignitibility, burning rate and melting behaviour) and to the capability to repel fuel or lubricants of materials used in vehicles of categories M3, Classes II and III.
Catergory M3 Vehicles: Buses with more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s, and mass more than 5 tonnes. M3 vehicle category has two sub classes:
Class II (i.e. vehicles constructed principally for the carriage of seated passengers, and designed to allow the carriage of standing passengers in the gangway and/or in an area which does not exceed the space provided for two double seats)
Class III (i.e. vehicles constructed exclusively for the carriage of seated passengers)
Type approvals (Unique E marks) are granted according to:
Part I (VEHICLE): Approval of a vehicle type with regard to the burning behaviour and/or the capability to repel fuel or lubricant of the components used in the interior compartment, the engine compartment and any separate heating compartment and with regard to the burning behaviour of electric cables and cable sleeves or cable conduits used for protecting electric cables in the vehicle.
Part II (COMPONENT): Approval of a component with regard to its burning behaviour and/or its capability to repel fuel or lubricant installed in the interior compartment, the engine compartment or any separate heating compartment.
“Interior compartment” means any compartment intended for passengers, drivers and/or crew bounded by the interior facing surface(s) of: The interior compartment shall be bounded by:
(a) The ceiling;
(b) The floor;
(c) The front, rear and side walls,
(d) The doors;
(e) The outside glazing;
“Engine compartment” means the compartment in which the engine is installed and in which a combustion heater may be installed. 2.4. “Separate heating compartment” means a compartment for a combustion heater located outside the interior compartment and the engine compartment.
Type and its variants are subjected to R118 tests to ensure technical requirements are fulfiled. After passing the tests type approval certification stage starts. At this stage, technical documents of the material (type) and its manufacturer are submitted officially to type approval authority. At the end of type approval certification, the material (type) deserves a unique E mark on its label.
Other UN ECE Regulations
Some products may fall under the scope of more UN ECE regulations. For instance, if your final product falls under the scope of Regulation 10 for its EMC compliance, both R10 and R118 certification is required.
Tests under ECE R118
There are five test category in the recent version of ECE R118 Rev.3. These tests are defined on Annex 6, 7,8,9 and 10 of the regulation:
1. Test to determine the horizontal burning rate of materials (Annex 6 of ECE R118)
2. Test to determine the melting behaviour of materials (Annex 7 of ECE R118)
3. Test to determine the vertical burning rate of materials (Annex 8 of ECE R118)
4. Test to determine the capability of materials to repel fuel or lubricant (Annex 9 of ECE R118)
5. Test to determine the resistance to flame propagation of electrical cables (Annex 10 of ECE R118)
Budgetary Pricing of ECE R118 tests, reports, type approval certificates
1. Test to determine the horizontal burning rate of materials (Annex 6 of ECE R118)
Horizontal burning rate test under Annex 6, required for horizontal installation in in vehicle interior compartment.
Indicated costs are for single type/material inside the desired component.
Included conditioning min. 24h.
For isotropic materials, 5 samples for each material have to be provided. For non-isotropic materials, 10 samples for each material have to be provided (5 for each direction).
Dimensions: 356 x 100 mm, max. thickness 13 mm
Price for testing fee: 2580 EUR / type (material)
2. Test to determine the melting behaviour of materials (Annex 7 of ECE R118)
Melting behaviour test under Annex 7, required for materials installed more than 500 mm above the seat cushion and on the ceiling of the vehicle.
Indicated costs are for single type/material inside the desired component.
Included conditioning min. 24h.
Four samples, for both faces (if they are not identical) for each material have to be provided.
Dimensions: 70 x 70 mm, max. thickness 13 mm
Price for testing fee: 2460 EUR / type (material)
3. Test to determine the vertical burning rate of materials (Annex 8 of ECE R118)
Vertical burning rate test under Annex 8, required for vertical installation in vehicle interior compartment.
Indicated cost is intended for each type/material inside the desired component.
Included conditioning min. 24h.
For isotropic materials, 3 samples for each material have to be provided. For non-isotropic materials, 6 samples for each material have to be provided (3 for each direction).
Dimensions: 560 x 170 mm, max. thickness 13 mm
Price for testing fee: 2580 EUR / type (material)
4. Test to determine the capability of materials to repel fuel or lubricant (Annex 9 of ECE R118)
Price for testing fee: ask quote by sending your material type
5. Test to determine the resistance to flame propagation of electrical cables (Annex 10 of ECE R118)
Resistance to flame propagation test under Annex 10, required for electrical cables of length > 100 mm.
Indicated costs are for each type/material of the cables of the required component.
Included conditioning min. 24h.
5 samples for each type of cable have to be provided.
Dimensions: min. length of 600 mm per sample.
Price for testing fee: 2380 EUR / type (material)
6. Test Report (ECE R118)
Test report fee depends on the tests applied and time spent. Here we are sharing approximate pricing:
Price for testing fee: 1960 EUR / type (material)
7. Type Approval Certification / E marking (ECE R118)
E24 type approval certificate (issued by type approval authority: NSAI):
Price for type approval certificate: 1460 EUR / type (material)
Remark: Pricing of tests, report and type approval certificate may vary depending on the number of type(s)/material(s). Please ask a specific quote before ordering any ECE R118 testing or certification service.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do electronic boards / PCBs have to be tested under this regulation?
Yes, electronic boards or PCBs are under the scope of regulation.
2. Do cables have to be tested under this regulation?
Yes. Cables of length >100 mm should be tested under Annex 10 of the regulation.
3. How to prepare samples for testing?
Tests will have to be performed on material probes in number and dimensions indicated inside the regulation for each type of test. For instance material with dimensions: 70 x 70 mm, max. thickness 13 mm.
4. Which information is asked to ask a quotation for testing service?
* component(s) and their materials(s)/type(s). A single component may be composed of three different materials and each material shall be tested.
* installing position (vertical or horizontal position, eventual installation 500 mm above seat cushion and on the ceiling of the vehicle)
Please consider the following definition about the installing position:
“Material installed in a vertical position” means materials installed in the interior compartment, the engine compartment and any separate heating compartment of the vehicle such that its slope exceeds 15 per cent from the horizontal when the vehicle is at its mass in running order and it is standing on a smooth and horizontal ground surface.
* presence of any electric cable with length >100 mm. Are the cables already ISO 6722-1:2011 or ISO 6722:2006 approved ?
* some indication about the component (volume and dimension of each part it is made of)
* kind and dimension of all component inside the approval item
* type and number of materials of all elements inside the approval item, including the external case
* installation conditions on the vehicle (compartment of installation (interior compartment, engine compartment, heating compartment,…), eventual distance from the seat cushion and if installed on the ceiling of the vehicle)
* orientation of installation (vertical or horizontal installation, following the definition of the regulation). Installing positions are vertical, horizontal, eventual installation 500 mm above seat cushion and on the ceiling of the vehicle.
Please consider the following definition about the installing position:
“Material installed in a vertical position” means materials installed in the interior compartment, the engine compartment and any separate heating compartment of the vehicle such that its slope exceeds 15 per cent from the horizontal when the vehicle is at its mass in running order and it is standing on a smooth and horizontal ground surface.
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