CISPR 25 Test System

(All in one test system for automotive: ALSE, Screened Room, Conducted Emissions Test System and Radiated Emissions Test System. Our CISPR 25 Test System would help you to fulfil CISPR 25 requirements of the vehicles and electronic components used in automotive)

Complete turn-key solution for CISPR 25:2021 requirements

Conducted Emissions Test System (150 kHz – 245 MHz)


Radiated Emissions Test System (150 kHz – 5925 MHz)


ALSE & Shielded Enclosure (9kHz – 6 GHz)

Latest version of CISPR 25, Edition 5.0 requires emissions tests from 150 kHz to 5925 MHz. The standard defines emissions test setups and list required equipments and test environment. We are offering turn-key CISPR 25 test setup solution. We are making CISPR 25 test setups easy to reach. We combined Conducted Emissions, Radiated Emissions and ALSE/Shielded Enclosure and named it as CISPR 25 Test System. All in one, complete solution.

Conducted Emissions Test System

CISPR 25 compliant

* Spectrum Analyser / Scanning Receiver / EMI Receiver,

* AN (Artificial Network),

* High Quality Double Shielded Coaxial RF cable,

* Current Probe

The system allows you to perform conducted emissions between 150 kHz and 245 MHz. 


* Test Software

* IEC/ISO 17025 accredited calibration certificates


Radiated Emissions Test System

CISPR 25 compliant

* Spectrum Analyser / Scanning Receiver / EMI Receiver,

* AN (Artificial Network),

* High Quality Double Shielded Coaxial RF cable,

* 1 m vertical Monopole Antenna,

* Biconical Antenna,

* Log-Periodic Antenna

* Horn Antenna

The system allows you to perform radiated emissions tests between 150 kHz and 5925 MHz. 


* Test Table & Reference Ground Plane 

* Tripod / Antenna Mast

* Test Software

* IEC/ISO 17025 accredited calibration certificates


ALSE & Shielded Enclosure

CISPR 25 compliant

* Absorber Lined Shielded Enclosure (ALSE),

* Shielded Enclosure / Control Room,

* Bulkhead connector,

* Honeycomb air vents,

* Lighting system.

The ALSE / Shielded Enclosure allows you to create a test environment for conducted and radiated emissions tests between 150 kHz and 5925 MHz.


* Video/Camera Monitoring System

* Smoke Detector

* Fire Detector

* On-site Installation Service

* On-site Third-Party Validation Service

Order number Test System Name System Includes Lead Time Application
PRE-CISPR25-ALL Pre-Compliance CISPR 25 Test System (150kHz-5925MHz)

* Spectrum Analyser / Scanning Receiver / EMI Receiver

* AN (Artificial Network)

* High Quality Double Shielded Coaxial RF cable

* Current Probe

* 1 m vertical Monopole Antenna

* Biconical Antenna

* Log-Periodic Antenna

* Horn Antenna

* ALSE (Absorber Lined Shielded Enclosure)

10-12 Weeks Pre-compliance conducted and radiated emissions tests of electronic components used for automotive.
PRE-CISPR25-CE Pre-Compliance CISPR 25 Conducted Emissions Test System (150kHz-245MHz)

* Spectrum Analyser / Scanning Receiver / EMI Receiver

* AN (Artificial Network)

* High Quality Double Shielded Coaxial RF cable

* Current Probe

* Shielded Enclosure

8-10 Weeks


Pre-compliance conducted emissions tests of electronic components used for automotive.

PRE-CISPR25-RE Pre-Compliance CISPR 25 Radiated Emissions Test System (150kHz-5925MHz)

* Spectrum Analyser / Scanning Receiver / EMI Receiver

* AN (Artificial Network)

* High Quality Double Shielded Coaxial RF cable

* 1 m vertical Monopole Antenna

* Biconical Antenna

* Log-Periodic Antenna

* Horn Antenna

* ALSE (Absorber Lined Shielded Enclosure)


10-12 Weeks

Pre-compliance radiated emissions tests of electronic components used for automotive.
FULL-CISPR25-ALL Fully Compliance CISPR 25 Test System (150kHz-5925MHz)

* CISPR 16 compliant Spectrum Analyser / Scanning Receiver / EMI Receiver

* AN (Artificial Network)

* High Quality Double Shielded Coaxial RF cable

* Current Probe

* 1 m vertical Monopole Antenna

* Biconical Antenna

* Log-Periodic Antenna

* Horn Antenna

* CISPR 25 compliant ALSE (Absorber Lined Shielded Enclosure)

12-16 Weeks Fully compliance conducted and radiated emissions tests of electronic components used for automotive.
FULL-CISPR25-CE Fully Compliance CISPR 25 Conducted Emissions Test System (150kHz-245MHz)

* CISPR 16 compliant Spectrum Analyser / Scanning Receiver / EMI Receiver

* AN (Artificial Network)

* High Quality Double Shielded Coaxial RF cable

* Current Probe

* CISPR 25 compliant Shielded Enclosure

12-16 Weeks Fully compliance conducted emissions tests of electronic components used for automotive.
FULL-CISPR25-RE Fully Compliance CISPR 25 Radiated Emissions Test System (150kHz-5925MHz)

* CISPR 16 compliant Spectrum Analyser / Scanning Receiver / EMI Receiver

* AN (Artificial Network)

* High Quality Double Shielded Coaxial RF cable

* 1 m vertical Monopole Antenna

* Biconical Antenna

* Log-Periodic Antenna

* Horn Antenna

* CISPR 25 compliant ALSE (Absorber Lined Shielded Enclosure)

12-16 Weeks Fully compliance radiated emissions tests of electronic components used for automotive.

* Shilded Enclosure / Control Room

(Option for PRE-CISPR25-ALL, PRE-CISPR25-RE, FULL-CISPR25-ALL, FULL-CISPR25-RE test systems)

6-8 Weeks Isolation of test instruments from ambient noise

* Tripod 

(Option for PRE-CISPR25-ALL, PRE-CISPR25-RE, FULL-CISPR25-ALL, FULL-CISPR25-RE test systems)


6-8 Weeks Holding antennas used during radiated emissions tests

* Antenna Mast

(Option for PRE-CISPR25-ALL, PRE-CISPR25-RE, FULL-CISPR25-ALL, FULL-CISPR25-RE test systems)


8-10 Weeks Holding and height-scanning antennas used during radiated emissions tests

* Test Table

(Option for all CISPR 25 test systems)

8-10 Weeks Placing Device Under Test (DUT) Test setup requirement of CISPR 25

* Test Software

(Option for all CISPR 25 test systems)

4-6 Weeks Running tests by using a test software and generating test report

* Video/Camera Monitoring System 

(Option for PRE-CISPR25-ALL, PRE-CISPR25-RE, FULL-CISPR25-ALL, FULL-CISPR25-RE test systems)

2-4 Weeks Monitoring DUT inside ALSE while performing radiated emissions tests

* Smoke/Fire Detector

(Option for all CISPR 25 test systems)

2-4 Weeks Smoke or fire detection system for ALSE or Shielded Enclosure

* On-site Installation Service

(Option for all CISPR 25 test systems)

8-10 Weeks On-site installation service for ALSE or Shielded Enclosure

* On-site Third Party Validation Service

(Option for ALSE and Shielded Enclosure)

2-4 Weeks On-site validation service for ALSE and Shielded Enclosure by a third party laboratory

* ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Service

(Option for all CISPR 25 test systems)

2-4 Weeks Calibration service by an third party accredited laboratory for test instruments used within CISPR 25 test systems

CISPR 25 Test System

Turn-key CISPR 25 Test Systems for automotive designers, manufacturers, exporters, researchers, engineers and test laboratories.


Fully compliance

