Antennas are spreading with wireless and RF technology. We see antennas in defense, automotive, medical, telecommunication, and other commercial sectors. As most of the products, their features have to be measured.
Which features are measured?
- Input impedance
- Radiation Pattern
- Gain
- Directivity
- Efficiency
- Power Handling
Where to measure antennas?
Anechoic Chambers:
Open Area Test Sites (OATS)
Measurement distance should satisfy far field conditions.
What to do before measurements?
Before measuring antenna parameters in an anechoic chamber or open area test site you may prefer to simulate your antenna by using a simulation tool. Using simulation tools will save you time during real time measurements since you will be able to solve some issues earlier.

After simulation results, find a laboratory able to perform antenna measurements or perform measurements yourself at your laboratory.
Testups offers antenna test and measurement services with its wide international network of partner laboratories.
Which instruments are used during antenna measurements?
- Network Analyser
- Spectrum Analyser
- Signal Generator
- Reference Antenna(s)
- Antenna Positioner
- Data Processor/PC
Antenna Measurement Rooms
Do you want to test your antennas? Antenna measurement rooms are designed and built to meet the exacting performance of antenna measurement. Whether it’s the latest 5G, radar, telecommunications or any other wireless technologies each antenna measurement room/chamber is designed to meet the needs of the antennas under test.
With your own antenna measurement rooms you can have a reliable and repeatable testing environment for antenna designers and manufacturers.
Do you need Antenna Measurement Service, Instruments or Chamber?
Send us your requirements and get your quote.
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