Do you need E marking according to UN ECE Regulation 10 for your Electronic Sub Assemblies(ESAs) or whole vehicle? Fulfil EMC (ElectroMagnetic Compatibility) requirements of your product and affix E mark on it. We are offering ECE R10 testing, and E marking (type approval or homologation) services for electronic products used in automotive. We are collaborating with international designated technical services and type approval authorities. Certify your products according to latest version (Revision 6) of UN ECE Regulation 10.
Contact us and get your quote:

Our Services related to UN ECE Regulation 10

(We are making E marking easier by offering several services)

ECE R10 EMC Testing Services

With international network of authorized EMC test laboratories, we are able to offer electromagnetic compatibility testing services for Electronic Sub Assemblies (ESAs), systems, units, components, vehicles, electric vehicles according to latest version of UN ECE Regulation 10. To start EMC testing services, we are asking test sample to one of the laboratory addresses located in United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Poland, Turkey and China.   

ECE R10 Design Engineering Services

With international network of EMC design engineers and experts, we are able to offer engineering and support services to pass electromagnetic compatibility tests of your products. If your product fails any ECE R10 tests, dedicated experts would support and consult you how to pass the tests. Any design changes are suggested according to existing design files or/and test results (if tested).  This service can start before or after EMC testing stage. Having engineering service prior to tests might save you money and time. Having engineering service after the tests would give more specific results since the target would be more specific: passing the failed test(s). Our engineering services is not mandatory, it is voluntary, you can add anytime during the tests or certification process. Service can be delivered online, on-site or at laboratory. 

ECE R10 E Marking Services

With international network of designated technical services we offer E1 (Germany), E5 (Sweden), E11 (United Kingdom), E20 (Poland), E24 (Ireland), E32 (Latvia), E37 (Turkey), E57 (San Marino) marking services for automotive. Since UNECE contracting party countries recognizes UNECE regulations, all E mark numbers are identical , numbers show only the issuing authority’s country code. ECE R10 E marking (type approval) services is a kind of documentation audit. You have to prepare whole documents properly to get the certificate. We recommend to start preparing the documents prior to starting EMC tests to make the prooduct and test report consistent with the documents.

If you already had testing service and got your ECE R10 EMC Test Report, we might use is it certify (E mark) your product to have ECE R10 Type Approval Certificate from type approval authority. For this, the tests should be conducted by a ISO/IEC/EN 17025 accredited EMC test laboratory and accreditation logo of the ILAC member accreditation agency shall be on the report. During the certification process, the accreditation of the laboratory is questioned and verified. 

ECE R10 EMC Testing + E marking Services

With international network of test laboratories and designated technical services we offer one-stop solution for your ECE R10 Certification needs. We are offering both EMC testing services and type approval certification services according to Regulation 10. Have testing and certification services in one hand.

ECE R10 EMC Testing + Engineering + E marking Services

With international network of test laboratories, design engineers and designated technical services we offer one-stop solution for your ECE R10 Certification needs. We are offering both EMC testing and design engineering services till your product passes the EMC tests. After passing the testing stage, we are continuing with type approval certification services according to Regulation 10. You do not need to find any other company for your ECE R10 certification needs. Have testing, engineering and certification services in one hand. 

ECE R10 EMC Test Systems + Test Chambers + Installation

We offer turn-key solutions for ECE R10 Test Systems, Setups and Test Sites for the organizations who would like to have their own EMC test laboratories. We offer pre-compliance and full-compliance ECE R10 Test Laboratory. We are supplying EMC test systems, test equipments, test chambers (screened rooms, ALSE) and installation services. If you are planning to invest on a test laboratory and would like to perform ECE R10 tests in house, Testups is offering one stop and turn-key solution. Send us your EUT details and ECE R10 requirements and get your quotation fulfilling your ECE R10 test system needs. We are also able to offer onsite EMC testing training services after laboratory installation is offered by us. 

Case studies

We delivered ECE R10 type approval certificates and/or EMC test reports to many businesses. Latest ones are listed below:

1. United States company’s fog lamps are tested, reported, type approval (E marking) process is going on

2. Brazilian company’s FM receiver is tested, reported and type approved (E-marked)

3. British company’s monitoring/camera system is tested

4. British company’s caravan tracker is tested

5. Turkish company’s inductive sonsor is tested and reported

6. Dutch company’s LED flashlights are tested, reported and type approved (E-marked)

7. Portuguese company’s door electronic controller is tested, reported and type approved (E-marked)

8. Polish company’s wire harness and relay for bulbs are tested and reported

9. Australian company’s GPS control module is tested 

10. Spanish company’s already tested Power Module is type approved (E-marked)

Automotive products (vehicles, electronic sub assemblies, technical units) are E marked according to UNECE Regulation 10. E marking means having type approval certificate according to UNECE R10 after passing ECE R10 EMC tests and certification processes.

Testing process starts with performing electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests at laboratory or on-site. On-site testing is only applicable for huge vehicles and for limited vehicle groups. If the product passes all tests type approval process starts, this part is mostly about documentation and quality. Together with EMC test report, the product’s, manufacturer’s and type approval applicant’s documents are reviewed by the type approval authority. If all documents are properly issued, type approval certificate is issued with a unique E mark number.  

Are you new to ECE Regulation 10 Certification?

We prepared a free guide for you. To receive the guide, click on download button and enter your email address:

Which products have to E marked?

Full vehicles or Electronic Sub-Assemblies (ESAs) have to be E marked. EMC tests and type approval of an ESA are performed according to latest version of UN ECE R10. How to define whether your product is an ESA or not. UN ECE R10 defines this clearly with a flowchart. If your product is an ESA check below chart to define whether your is under the scope of ECE R.10 and E marking:

Do ESAs also need other markings like CE?

Some ESAs may need extra tests in order to ensure compliance with other directives. An ESA having an immunity related function plus other features which are not covered by the vehicle framework directive will need to be E marked and CE marked.

According to UN ECE R10, immunity related functions are listed below:

• affecting the direct control of the vehicle,

• relating to driver, passenger, or other road

• users’ protections, liable to cause confusion

to the driver or other road users,

• for vehicle data bus functionality

• affecting vehicle statutory data, or

• for vehicle RESS charging

If an ESA has no immunity related function, only E marking is enough.

How to get E mark for a vehicle or ESA?

There are two main steps for E marking (Type Approval):

1) Testing according to ECE regulation(s)

In this step, the product has to be tested according to UN ECE R.10 regulation and related EMC test standards. If the product fulfils all test items, a test report is prepared by the testing laboratory. This test report is one of the documents that will be submitted during homologation.

UN ECE Regulation 10 is a free document and you can reach it by clicking the link below:

Download UN ECE Regulation 10 Rev.6

2) Homologation (Type Approval, E marking)

In this step, all technical documentation including ECE R.10 test report is submitted to regulatory authority (designated technical service) for E marking. Each country has a unique country code called ECE symbol and this code is has two components: E and a country-specific number. For example, for Germany it is E 1, for Ireland it is E 24. UN ECE publishes all ECE symbols and the list of all contracting parties (E-marking countries) under UN Regulation No. 10 Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to electromagnetic compatibility.

In addition to product documentation, additional information about the manufacturer, distributor or importer may be required. Quality management system certificates like ISO 9001 is one of the essential company documents for type approval.

After passing above steps, you will be able to use E mark on your product and market your product to whole countries which applies E-marking and countries which accept United Nations ECE regulations.

Do you want EMC testing or E-marking service for your product according to ECE Regulation 10?

We are helping businesses acting in automotive and certifying their products with our agreed and trusted partners. You can have EMC testing services or complete type approval service including EMC testing by contacting us. We are able to offer these E markings: E1 (Germany), E5 (Sweden), E11 (United Kingdom), E20 (Poland), E24 (Ireland), E32 (Latvia), E37 (Turkey), E57 (San Marino).

Essential Remark: All E marks are identical technically and by law, any E marked product can be used within UNECE member states since E marking is international product certification. Country codes, coming after the E mark, represents only the issuing authority’s country code, they do not mean that the product can only be used in that country. For instance, E24 is accepted in every country, not only in Ireland.

Steps for ECE R10 Certification

1. Click on Get Quote button below and send us your product’s features (electrical, mechanical, photo, functions, supply voltage, model numbers)

2. Get your quote

3. Send us your Purchase Order, pre-payment and test sample

4. We perform EMC tests according to the latest version of UNECE R10 (if test results are PASS, continue with next step, if any FAIL results we need a new test sample to pass the tests)

5. Fill the Type Approval forms and send us together with quality documents (ISO 9001 certificate, CoP and etc.)

6. Send us technical documents of the product and a label illustration/drawing showing your product’s model no (type) and E mark on it

7. Get your Type Approval Certificate showing your unique E mark on it (for instance if you get E24 marking, you will see a unique number after E24 R10 XXXX, you will use this numbers on the label of the product) Your type approval certificate will look like as follows:

8. Market your E marked / type approved products to any country accepting E mark. If you reach this step you will be happier than now 🙂

Other UNECE Regulations

If your product falls under the scope of other UNECE regulations, it also shall be tested&certifed additionally. For instance if you have an electronic device to be used as mirror / indirect vision system it shall be certified ccording to both ECE R10 and ECE R46. Another example: If your product is lamp or signalling device it needs both ECE R10 and ECE R148 testing and certification. We are able to test and certify electronic products according to any UNECE Regulation, with our partner laboratories and type approval authorities. 

Let's certify your products according to UN ECE R10

with authorized test laboratories and designated technical service partners of Testups

Which documents are asked at Homologation (Type Approval or E marking) Stage?

After passing EMC tests according to UN ECE Regulation 10, type approval or certification stage starts. At this stage, we will ask you to send some documents related to your company, product, manufacturer. You can see a list of the documents that will be asked from you.

Documents which have asterix(*) are the forms that will be filled. We will send you these forms when we start our service.

No Requested documentation Notes/Further Information
1 Product Description 2-3 pages as a product overview description incuding its functionalities and general information, position/installation into vehicle and general electrical information (power supply, consumption…)
2 Mechanical Drawings with Dimensions and Manufacturer Trade Mark Showing size/dimension of the final product, as well a exploded view drawing is suggested. Better if it will show also pinout and connector/interface view.
3 Location of approval marking, method of affixing and example of marking Can be inserted also on the product description or on the mechanical drawings
4 HW version of the tested sample if not marked on device to be tested
5 SW version of the tested sample if not marked on device to be tested
6 Electrical schemes For all the board composing the system
7 Component placing and PCB layout For all the board composing the system
8 BOM (Bill of Materials) /Part List For all the board composing the system
9 Further documents regarding accessory or side-devices connected to DUT ( display, RF module..)  –
10 ISO/QM certification for the approval owner Mandatory for E-marking/certification
11* Application Form signed in every part(unfilled form will be sent you) Mandatory for E marking/certification (See the comments on Application Form)
12 EU 858/2018 COP (Conformity of Production) Requirement Mandatory for E-marking/certification.
Copy of Control Plan + COP Procedure of the manufacturing company.
13* CoP Agreement (if necessary)
(unfilled form will be sent you)
In case of different addresses/company for approval owner and production plant. COP are needed also if the assembly plant adress is different with respect to the manufacturer/owner one. COP document must be signed and stamped by both the representative of the two parties and printed on head-paper letter sheet of the approval owner.
14* External Trademark Use (unfilled form will be sent you) If on your device you have to add (as a request of your customer) a  trade name / logo which is not of your property (such us MAN / BWM logo or so on…) you have to fulfill this document as an autocertification that you’ve been delegated by your customer to use their logo/tradename/trademark

 Of course, your UN ECE R10 EMC Test Report would be attached to your documentation set. 

All of the documents would be submitted to the authority organization by us. For E24 marking/certification authority organization is NSAI and they will issue type approval certificate if all documents are proper. You will have a unique E number assigned to your product (type and its variants).

Which product information are asked at Quoting Stage?

We need below details of the product to be subjected to ECE R10 EMC tests and type approval certification: 

Product Name / Model(s):
Description /Application:
Number of Configurations to Test:
Desired Country / Regional Markets: 
Approx. Device Set-up Time:
Please provide a general description of function of this device and how it interacts with the vehicle:
Is this after-market equipment?
If yes, does the device interface or relate with the safety features of the vehicle? If yes, please explain
Does this device connect with the “can-bus” of the vehicle?
Is this device grounded or floating?
If grounded, how is it grounded to the vehicle?
Support and host equipment needed for testing?
Weight of Device:
Length of Device:
Height of Device:
Width of Device:
Highest Clock Frequency in Device
Is the device battery powered?
Does Device Receive power from the vehicle? (If yes, what is the voltage?)

When asking a quotation from Testups, please send us above details or a document showing the answers to above product details. EMC testing and type approval certification costs depend on the answers of the above questions. 

Do you have already ECE R10 certified products and would like to update or modify them? Visit our Modification and Extension of ECE R10 Type Approval page by clicking the link given below.

Modification and Extension of ECE R10 Type Approval

We are engineers, experts and consultants specialised in electrical product testing and certification.

With our team, laboratory and partner laboratories, we are providing testing and certification services for electrical products. We are partnering with testing laboratories located in USA, Ireland, United Kingdom, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Turkey, China, Brazil and South Africa. We are providing our services worldwide.

We are also collaborating with EMC test equipment and chamber manufacturers to provide turnkey systems and solutions to the businesses. After understanding your current requirements, we are offering best device configurations to fulfil your needs. We are delivering, installing test equipments and anechoic chambers with our partner and expert teams. When required, we are also offering on-site and remote trainings for the devices and chambers we deliver.

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Testups Ireland Limited is a registered company with registration number 634977. Tax ID: 3570537IH

Registered address: 22 Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. D04 ED73 Ireland