EMC and RF Test Systems


Emissions Test Systems, Immunity Test Systems, RF Performance Test Systems for automotive, consumer, medical, railway and avionics electronics


We are selling new EMC and RF Test Systems as a turn-key solution

Do you want EMC or RF test systems for your laboratory?

We are offering turn-key test systems

Coupling Decoupling Networks

Automotive EMC Test Systems

CISPR 12, CISPR 25, CISPR 36, ISO 10605, UNECE Regulation 10, ISO 7637-2 and ISO 16750-2 compliant EMC Test Systems for Automotive

Conducted Emissions Test System

Conducted Emissions Test Systems

Turn-key solution for conducted emissions tests. EMI Reciever / EMC Analyser, LISN, Pre-selector, Pre-amplifier and Software as a system.

Conducted Immunity Test System for EMC testing

Conducted Immunity Test Systems

Turn-key solution for conducted immunity tests (IEC 61000-4-6 and ISO 11452-4).  Signal Generator with Modulator/Synthesiser, RF Power Amplifier, CDNs, Current Injection Probe, Attenuators and  Software as a system.

ESD Test Systems

IEC 61000-4-2 and ISO 10605 compliant ESD Guns, Generators or Simulators for ESD testing. ESD test table, grounding and wiring is offered as a system. Complete and turn-key solutions for your ESD testing needs. 

Radiated Emissions Test Systems

– Test Cell / Tent / Anechoic Chamber
– EMI Receiver (up to 40GHz)
– EMC Antennas, Tripod/Antenna Mast, RF cables, Turntable
– Test Software

Radiated Immunity Test Systems

Measurement systems for radiated immunity tests per IEC 61000-4-3. Signal Generator, RF Amplifier, RF cables and Test Software. Options: Field Probe, Camera/Monitor System, Lighting System, Anechoic Chamber, EMC Tents, Test Cells.

Lighting EMC Test Systems

We are offering EMC test systems for lighting industry. CISPR 15, IEC 61547, IEC 61000-3-2, IEC 61000-3-3 test equipments, systems, laboratory installations, turn-key supply and delivery services.

Magnetic Field Immunity Test Systems

We are offering IEC 61000-4-8 compliant Magnetic Field Generators, coil and test software. Perform magnetic field immunity tests up to 1000 A/m with turn-key test system.

Surge Test Systems

IEC 61000-4-5 compliant generator for Surge testing. The generator is completed with Coupling decoupling networks(CDNs) and Remote software. Fully compliant surge test systems.

Turn-key EMC Test Laboratories

Do you need turn-key, complete solutions for your EMC test equipment needs? We are offering turn-key labororatories including on-site installation and validation services. We are offering anechoic chambers, EMC test systems, test software and all minor details including RF cables that you will need while testing. Send us your requirements:

