Are you looking for EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) testing service?
We are offering EMC testing services for electrical, electronic products and systems used in various sectors. We are collaborating with accredited test laboratories and we are able to offer testing service as close as possible to your address. Have pre-compliance or full-compliance testing service with us.
Contact us and get your quote:
EMC Testing Services
With international network of pre-compliance and accredited test laboratories, we offer:

EMC Testing for Medical Devices
Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing services for electronic products used in medical industry according to IEC 60601-1-2 and related standards. List of Medical EMC tests.
- Pre-compliance
- Full-compliance
- Accredited

EMC Testing for Automotive
Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing services for electronic products used in automotive. Test standars: ECE R10, CISPR 12, CISPR 25 and more.
- Pre-compliance
- Full-compliance
- Accredited

EMC Testing for Radio Devices
Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing services for radio devices, wireless systems according to ETSI and FCC standards.
- Pre-compliance
- Full-compliance
- Accredited

EMC Testing for Consumer Electronics
Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing services for electronic products used in consumer electronics (household appliances, electrical tools and etc.) Mostly used standards for this category are CISPR 14-1 and CISPR 14-2.
- Pre-compliance
- Full-compliance
- Accredited

EMC Testing for Railway Applications
Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing services for electronic products used in railway applications. Do you need EMC testing for your product used in railway?
- Pre-compliance
- Full-compliance
- Accredited

EMC Testing for Civil Avionics
Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing services for products used in civil avionics. We are offering EMC testing services
- Pre-compliance
- Full-compliance
- Accredited

EMC Testing Services for EV Charging Systems
We are offering Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing services for Electric Vehicle Charging Systems according to IEC 61851-21-2 standard.

On-Site EMC Testing Services
We are offering on-site or in-situ EMC testing services for huge machines, railway, automotive and larger systems.
What is EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility)?
IEC vocabulary, Electrodpedia and EMC Directive 2014/30/EU defines EMC as ‘ability of equipment or a system to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to anything in that environment’.
Electromagnetic environment is defined as ‘totality of electromagnetic phenomena existing at a given location’. And electromagnetic disturbances is defined as ‘electromagnetic phenomenon that can degrade the performance of a device, equipment or system, or adversely affect living or inert matter’
Why EMC testing is required?
EMC testing is a requirement for most of the electrical products which emits or might be subjected to electromagnetic disturbance. All electrical devices or installations influence each other when interconnected or located close to each other, e.g. interference between TV sets, GSM handsets, radios and nearby washing machine or electrical power lines. The purpose of EMC testing is to keep all those side effects under reasonable control.
EMC testing ensures that electrical and electronic equipment does not generate electromagnetic emissions exceeding the limits and is immune enough when it is exposed to disturbing signals. Lower emissions, high immunity performances are intented EMC test results. Thus, EMC tests are categorized into two main group: emissions and immunity.
Each country or region applies their own legislation to regulation EMC of products. Europe regulates EMC requirements through CE marking directives like EMC or RED. In United States, FCC regulates EMC related products with its FCC articles. FCC Part 15B is the famous one. Japan applies VCCI marking, South Korea applies KC marking for EMC. Thus, when having EMC testing service, your product’s market is essential to define its EMC compliance requirements.
If an electrical product can electromagnetically affect its environment or it can be electromagnetically affected, EMC tests should be applied to that product. Applicable EMC tests are defined by considering the technical specifications of the product, the regulation and test standard to be applied.
Which regulations and standards require EMC testing?
There are various regulations and standards related to EMC tests. Some of them are listed below:
EMC Directive 2014/30/EU,
Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU,
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC ,
Medical Device Directive 93/42/EC,
Avionics RTCA DO-160,
Automotive Regulation No UN ECE R10.
How Europe regulates EMC?
European Commission of EU published Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2014/30/EU. The main objective of the EMC Directive is to guarantee the free movement of equipment and to create an acceptable electromagnetic environment whilst ensuring that equipment will function as intended in that environment. In order to achieve it, a harmonised and acceptable level of protection is required by the Directive, leading to full harmonisation in the EU.
Since some articles of EMC Directive (2014/30/EU) is written with legal terms, additional official guides can be followed to understand it better. EU published its guide about EMC, you can click here: Guide for the EMCD (Directive 2014/30/EU)
European countries adapt EMC Directive to their national legislation by translating the directive into their local languages and mandating it by adapting their law.
How United States regulates EMC?
FCC and FDA are the governmental organization of US regulating the EMC. FCC regulates almost all electrical and electronic products, except defense and medical devices. Electromagnetic Compatibility Division of FCC is focusing on EMC studies. FCC articles are limiting the emissions of products by setting some freqency ranges and limit tables. FCC does not require immunity requirements. However, FDA requires both emissions and immunity of medical devices. FDA guides are helpful to understand EMC requirements of medical devices.
What are test site requirements for EMC testing?
EMC tests are performed in special test rooms (RF shielded enclosures, cabinets and anechoic chambers) which are validated according to chamber performance standards. NSA, sVSWR, Shielding Effectiveness, Field Uniformity validations of these test sites ensure that the site is proper to perform full-compliance EMC tests. Two of the EMC tests requires anechoic chamber for fully compliance testing: Radiated Emissions and Radiated Immunity (or Immunity Against Radiated Fields). These two radiated tests require an RF isolated test environment with low ambient noise and non-reflective inner surfaces. RF isolation is ensured by metallic shielding panels and inner reflections are minimized with RF absorbing materials. During Radiated Immunity tests in an anechoic chamber Equipment Under Test (EUT) is subjected to electric-field. Applied electric field shall be uniform and this uniformity depends on the chamber’s field uniformity.
What is an anechoic chamber?
An anechoic chamber is a room designed to completely absorb reflections of either sound or electromagnetic waves. They are also often isolated from waves entering from their surroundings.
There are different types of EMC anechoic chambers: semi-anechoic, fully-anechoic and reverberation chambers are the three well know types. All inner surfaces of Fully Anechoic Chamber (FAC) or Fully Anechoic Room (FAR) are covered by RF absorbing materials like ferrite tiles or pyramidial absorbers. However Semi Anechoic Chamber (SAC)’s floor is not covered by RF absorbing materials and the floor shall be ground plane.
Which tests are applied for EMC?
EMC test is not a single test, it is a general term for whole applicable EMC tests for a specific product. EMC tests are applied after the product standard is determined. Name of each test is given on that standard. EMC tests can be listed as follows:
- Radiated Emission (It is tested whether the electromagnetic signals in the product tested through EMC antennas are below limits)
- Conducted Emission (It is tested whether the electromagnetic emission caused by the tested product’s cables is below the limits)
- Electrostatic Discharge – ESD (IEC/EN 61000-4-2)
- Radiated Immunity (IEC/EN 61000-4-3)
- Electrical Fast Transient / Burst (IEC/EN 61000-4-4)
- Surge (IEC/EN 61000-4-5)
- Conducted Immunity (IEC/EN 61000-4-6)
- Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations (IEC/EN 61000-4-11)
- Harmonic Current Emissions (IEC/EN 61000-3-2)
- Voltage Changes, Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker (IEC/EN 61000-3-3)
What we offer?
We providee EMC testing services to researchers, product designers, manufacturers, importers and exporters who needs EMC testing service. We are offering these services related to EMC testing:
Preliminary Design Review: Remove any question as to whether a product will meet the EMC requirements with pre-scan measurements. You can use these measurement results to modify your product and prepare it for formal approvals. This will reduce the likelihood of surprises during the final testing phase.
Laboratory Testing: With our international EMC test laboratory network, we offer EMC testing services according to national, regional and international standards. EMC test standards applied for Europe, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and Turkey are under our service scope. Which EMC test standards are under our service scope?
OnSite Testing: With our international EMC test laboratory network, we are offering on site EMC testing services for huge systems. We are offering onsite EMC testing services in Europe, United States, United Kingdom and Turkey.
Debugging or R&D Work: When your product fails from any EMC test, we also help you to fix the problems. This service decreases the time you spent for compliance of the product. Depending on the fail test result, one of our partner engineers will analyze the test results and product features, then offer best applicable solution.
Documentation: Our EMC testing services are documented with EMC test reports. If you need any other technical documentation or custom reporting service related to EMC testing let us know.
Certification: In same cases, testing might not be enough. For instances, if you have a medical device or automotive product certification or type approval can alse be applied to your product. In addition to EMC testing services we also offer certification services related to EMC compliance.
Consulting: Share your EMC testing related requirements with us, one of our consultants is ready to fulfil your needs. Consultancy can be related to design, testing, test setup, test plan, instrumentation or a turnkey test laboratory.
Test Instruments: Do you regularly need EMC testing services? Think on having some test instruments for inhouse testing. When you need EMC test instruments, we are quoting alternative configurations according to your requirements. We are delivering EMC test instruments to your address. We are distributing EMC test instruments to our international customers.
Test Chambers: If you have various types of products, time to invest on a EMC test chamber. When you need EMC test chambers, cells or tents, we are quoting according to your EMC requirements. We are delivering the items related to anechoic test chambers, cells or tents to your address. With local installation teams, we are also able to install the chambers at your facility. After installation, we are able to validate the chamber we install with a 3rd party measurement facility.
How to get offer?
1) In order to get EMC testing service, please send us below information of your product:
Electrical features (supply voltage, max current and power ratings)
Maximum clock frequency
Communication frequency (for radio devices)
Dimensions and weight
Field of use
Required standards (if exists)
Required product markings (CE, FCC, VCCI, KC…)
Countries that the product will be marketed
You can either send these information by using our online contact form or send us an email. If you have a product catalogue or datasheet showing above details, sharing that document would also be acceptable.
2) After receiving above information from you, we will send you our quote. You will be able to see all EMC testing standards, specific to your product, in this quote.
How do we start EMC testing service?
1) When you accept our quote by sending a purchase order or a signed copy of the quote, you will send test samples(s) to laboratory address.
2) Advance payment mentioned on the quote shall be paid.
3) When purchase order, test sample(s) and advance payment are received, EMC tests for your product will be scheduled. If you also want to attend the tests, please inform us when sending us purchase order, we will schedule laboratory for your visit.
What we deliver at the end of EMC testing service?
1) The output of EMC testing service is a test report. When tests are finished, you will have EMC test report and your invoice.
2) Tested samples will be shipped to your address. Please note that shipping costs belongs to product owner.
Fulfil your EMC testing requirements
with accredited and trusted partners of Testups
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