ISO 11452-4 Requirements

ISO 11452-4 Requirements

About ISO 11452-4 ISO 11452-4 is an EMC standard used for elecronic components used in automotive. It is used to validate immunity requirements of the product under test. The tests are under this standard are named as Conducted Immunity or BCI Immunity. Recent version...
Sample ECE R10 Certificate

Sample ECE R10 Certificate

If you are new to UN ECE Regulation 10, you may wonder how the ECE R10 certificate look like. We are sharing a sample type approval certificate issued by NSAI (Ireland) for an electronic sub assembly (ESA). Unique E mark on the certificate can be used only for the...
Upgrading EMC Test Laboratories

Upgrading EMC Test Laboratories

Upgrading EMC test laboratories inevitable considering technological changes. There are four main reasons to upgrade an existing EMC test laboratory: limited current capacity, limited frequency range, limited test spaces, non-compliant test setups Main Reasons 1)...