UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe)* published updated version of Regulation 10, which is for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)** tests, on 15 October 2019: Revision 6. According to UN ECE R10, EMC tests are performed to a vehicle, component or separate technical unit. Revision 5 has been used for a long time. You may need to update your test reports or type approvals according to latest version: UN ECE R10 Rev.6. If you want to check the latest version of Regulation 10, visit UNECE web site or click download below (159-page pdf):
Check new revision of Regulation 10 and update your current type approvals to comply with latest regulation.
In addition to Revision 6, UNECE published two amendments to Regulation 10, you can reach these two recent ammendments by using links below:
UN Regulation No. 10 – Rev.6 – Amend.1
UN Regulation No. 10 – Rev.6 – Amend.2
Does your Electrical/electronic sub assembly (ESA) are under the scope of UN ECE Regulation 10 Revision 6?
Check the flowchart given on UN ECE Regulation 10:

If your ESA is under the scope of UN ECE Regulation, prepare your product for ESA type approval.
How to get UN ECE R10 Certificate or Type Approval?
ECE R10 Certification is a set of operations starting from EMC testing. After passing the EMC tests, you will be given an EMC test report which issued according to latest revision UN ECE R10. Then you have to submit a set of documents including EMC test report for type approval. Learn more about UN ECE R10 Certification.
* The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) works to promote sustainable transport which is safe, clean and competitive, through the development of freight and personal mobility by inland transport modes, by improving traffic safety, environmental performance, energy efficiency, inland transport security and efficient service provision in the transport sector.
** “Electromagnetic compatibility” means the ability of a vehicle or component(s) or separate technical unit(s) to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to anything in that environment.
If you are familiar with ECE R10 and looking for testing or certification service, get quote from us.
Do you need EMC Testing or Type Approval service for your ESA or vehicle according to latest UN ECE R10?
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