We are choosing Top 10 EMC and EMI Troubleshooters of the world. We are still searcing for the top 10. Please help us by voting your own top 10 by using the form below. You can vote any of the 18 candidates.

We listed eighteen EMC / EMI troublshooters: Kenneth Wyatt, Jerry Meyerhoff, Patrick André, Todd Hubing, Keith Armstrong, Lee Hill, Arturo Mediano, Ananth Krishna, Martina Kreutz, Daryl Gerke, Doug Smith, D.C. Pande, Darryl Ray, Steven Sandler, Dipanjan Gope, Eric Bogatin, James Pawson and Andy Eadie.

Candidates have been voted.

Voting ended on 1 May 2022. Now we are evaluating the results. Top 10 will be announced shortly on this page.